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#Business ID: 37418

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Stationery Distribution Company - Supplier to Hypermarkets, Supermarkets, Stationery Dealers & Wholesalers For Sale

Business Location: Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Asking Price: AED 2,000,000 Revenue: AED 450,000 Cash Flow: AED 0 to 100k

[Inventory / Stock included]

Business Summary

We are a stationery brand and sell products under our own brand name using our trademark that has been registered with the Ministry of Economy.

- Our brand supplies stationery to 150+ hypermarkets and department stores in Dubai.
- There is a potential to add more products under the same brand while servicing the same/additional customer base.
- We have tie-ups with 3 manufacturers from where we source our products.
- The business has not taken any loans previously.
- This is a family-owned business and I am representing my parents who are the owners of this company
- We deal in stationery products such as pens, pencils, and books.
- Physical assets include one company vehicle, stock, receivables inventory totaling c. AED 500,000
- Intangible assets include trademarks and listing in major retail hypermarket chains.
- The business is currently self-funded and it is a family business since 2009.
- We have 100% ownership of this stationery distribution business in the UAE.

Please contact us for more details.

Property Details

Years Established:


Property Type:


Other Business Details

Business Location:


Expansion Potential:

The business has great potential for expansion as the distribution network / customer base is ready with listings complete and thus any investment in working capital/inventory has good scope given the margins available

Business Operation Details



Support & Training:

Handover support will be provided and will be discussed with potential buyers

Miscellaneous Details

Reason For Selling:

Not been able to give enough time/looking to migrate out of country

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