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#Business ID: 38521

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Commercial Diving Company - Hull Cleaning & Marine Contracting Business For Sale

Business Location: Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Asking Price: $ 820,000 Revenue: $ 1,200,000 Cash Flow: $ 1,200,000

[Furniture / Fixtures and Inventory / Stock included]

Business Summary

Commercial Diving Company - Hull Cleaning Division & Marine Contracting Division in Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Revenue 2022 - AED 4.6 Million/ USD 1.25 Million
Revenue 2023 - AED 4.2 Million/ USD 1.14 Million
Revenue 2024 1st Quarter - AED 1.2 Million/ USD 325,000
Average Monthly Sales: AED 400,000 - AED 500,000 / USD 135,000

Value of Assets & Equipment's - AED 1.4 Million

Company Certifications: ADCI Certified & ADC UK Certified

Ports Operating: Dubai Port, Khalid Port, Hamriyah Port, Fujairah Port & Khorfakkan Port.

Diving Divisions:Offshore Underwater Hull Cleaning for Ships, Offshore Underwater Repair of Vessels & Onshore Marine Construction Division

Total Workforce: 25 Nos
Underwater Divers: 17 Nos(IMCA Certified) & Office Staff: 4 Nos & Technicians for Equipment Maintenance: 4 Nos

Current Jobs: Underwater Hull Cleaning: 15-20 Vessels/Month
Onshore Marine Construction Projects: 4 Projects/Ongoing : Short to Long Term Contract Projects throughout Dubai

Completed Jobs: Offshore Underwater Hull Cleaning Jobs: 600 Vessels
Onshore Marine Construction Projects: 20 Projects

We are looking for Strategic Partnerships or Divestment of Company

Company Sale Price: AED 3 Million / USD 820,000 Million.

Please contact us for more details.

Property Details


5000 sqft

Years Established:


Property Type:


Inventory Value:

$ 325,000

Other Business Details

Business Location:


Premise Details:

Office 500 sqft & Warehouse 5000 sqft

Expansion Potential:

UAE Commercial Diving is a billion dollar market, market potential is high

Living Accommodation?


Business Operation Details



Trading Hours:

24 Hrs

Support & Training:

6 Month Support will be provided


Business Relocatable

Miscellaneous Details

Reason For Selling:

Planning to relocate

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