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#Business ID: 20616

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Must Read Ad! Must Do Business! Quality Child Care

Business Location: Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Asking Price: BUSINESS SOLD Revenue: not disclosed Cash Flow: not disclosed

Business Summary

Nursery is said to be a smarter investment than placing your money in stocks!

On average, the stock market only sees a return of 5.8% on average. However, the return for nursery spending is between 7-10%!

Let me spend a couple of minutes elaborating the importance of early childhood education!

All right, did you know that? - :

85% of who you are – your intellect, your personality, your social skills – is developed by age 5!

Let’s invest where it makes the most difference!

Benefits of early learning:

- More likely to graduate from high school
- A reduction in behaviour problems throughout the school-career
- Less likely to become involved with crime in later years
- Longer attention spans and overall better retention of information
- Improvement in the social skills of children
- Reduction of the need for special education later in school
- Generally better grades received

Every $ 1.00 invested in quality early-education for underprivileged children by taxpayers equals - Up % 13.00 saved in future costs to our society!

Call us if you are ready to bring the difference in child care business!

Oh yeah and definitely we will help You in that!

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